Advances are being made in technology every day; from the medical equipment used to provide emergency care to patients to the watches many of us wear daily as a way to monitor our health and well-being, there are many opportunities to bring enhanced healthcare, through the use of technology, into our lives – _we believe that the addition of a Portable Digital X-ray machine for the Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre fits this criterion perfectly.
We have committed to raising the necessary funds of $180,000, through our $2.1M Give to Life campaign, to purchase a Portable Digital X-ray machine – _replacing the existing portable computed radiography unit, which will significantly benefit not only the Diagnostic Imaging (DI) department but the entire Hospital facility.
The current process when a patient requires x-ray imaging can be more involved than it needs to be, considering the advances made in Radiography technology. This strategy of imaging puts more strain on both patients and technicians by requiring more moving of the patient, especially if images need to be retaken.
The streamlining of this process to where it is relatively instantaneous with a digital system means less time focused on image acquisition increasing patient workflow and care. This will be most apparent in trauma cases where accurate diagnostics becomes a more time-sensitive situation.
From a technical perspective, five areas of note will see significant benefits from the addition of a Digital X-ray machine:
The addition of this vital tool to the hospital, and community, is going to allow a new level of enhanced patient care that would not be possible with older imaging technology. Wetaskiwin Health Foundation 6910 – 47 St. Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 3N3 Phone: 780-361-4130 Fax: 780-361-4107 Email: Web:
Since launching the Give to Life campaign, almost a year ago now, your generosity has helped raise over $290,000 of WHF’s goal allowing, them to successfully cover the cost of a Portable Ultrasound and Cardiac Monitors for the Emergency Department, as well as additional Cardiac Monitors to upgrade the essential equipment used in our Special Cardiac Unit. While they are still have a long way to go in reaching their $2.1 M fundraising goal, we are confident that you share our commitment to assuring quality healthcare, close to home, for generations to come.
For further information about, or to donate to, our Give to Life campaign please visit our website at:
Give to Life today, because together we can make a difference.
Brandy Pfeil Communications Specialist Wetaskiwin Health Foundation
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